Adult Confirmation is intended for individuals who are baptized Catholic, may have already received First Communion, and are 18 years or older and seeking confirmation. It presumes previous faith formation and active participation in parish life. The process is intended for practicing Catholics and usually takes about a year or less.
SSCM Adult Confirmation registration is open! If you are an adult interested in receiving First Communion/Confirmation please register using this link. Class dates and Confirmation date information are found on the registration page. We look forward to walking with you in your sacramental journey.
Some Requirements may Include:
Attending Sunday Mass
Completing a series of Confirmation classes
Performing five hours of service
Spending 5 "Holy Hours" before the Blessed Sacrament
Attending a retreat.
Adult Confirmation Classes may Include:
Re-introducing and re-familiarizing participants with the Catholic sacraments
Focusing on the Sacrament of Confirmation
Discussing the Church
Discussing how to live a sacramental and moral life